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The Effect Of Airnergy On Endurance Levels

Pilot study shows significant improvement in endurance levels following Airnergy use

(Gerry Weber World, Saluto Gesellschaft für Sport und Gesundheit mbH, Diagnostic Institute, Halle, Dr. Elmar Wienecke)

What effect does Airnergy supplementary air have on motor skills? This is a question addressed by sports scientist Dr. Elmar Wienecke. He has just published the results of a pilot study focusing on endurance levels.

He based this on his own personal experience of running, observing that his body did not become tired as quickly if he had used Airnergy 60 minutes before a run. As a scientist who has examined thousands of athletes and non-athletes for the purposes of drawing up individual training plans, optimising rehabilitation schedules or increasing general fitness levels, Dr. Wienecke began by examining himself. The first 4 of the 7 illustrations attached show the results of the tests carried out on himself. His heart rate was measured both with and without the influence of Airnergy.

The heart rate level following physical exertion such as running outside, while on a cycle ergometer or on a treadmill is one criterion for testing endurance: the lower the heart rate, the greater the stamina level of the test subject. In order to perform we require a certain amount of oxygen. If this cannot be supplied the heart rate increases or more lactate is produced. This means, however, that the athlete has to stop sooner because they simply “can’t go on anymore”. Any athlete able to reach the same level of exertion but at a lower heart rate has a better stamina level. Their muscular system is able to make more effective use of the oxygen supplied.

If after six weeks of training a runner has a lower heart rate than previously, this is considered normal. It is clear from the illustrations of Dr. Wienecke’s tests that readings taken on two consecutive days show a difference in heart rate. This is as a result of using Airnergy. It cannot be attributed to a training effect because this was not a long-term study. On two occasions the runner ran for 60 minutes at roughly the same speed and along the same stretch, starting off gently then increasing the tempo once after five minutes and once after 10 minutes. If we average the curves from the 10th minute onwards the heart rate is considerably lower when using Airnergy. This is because oxygen is being used more effectively.

The third and fourth graphs illustrate the length of time that the runner has a certain heart rate. After using Airnergy the average heart rate was 123. Without Airnergy it was 143 beats per minute. The peak value was 154 when using Airnergy and 163 beats/minute without Airnergy.

Graphs 1-4 show the results of a single case study. It could be argued that the improvement in endurance levels in this case is attributable to factors such as a different type of exertion. The following graphs demonstrate why this is not the case. It is important that Airnergy is used one to two hours prior to physical exercise.


The results of a pilot study with 15 test subjects under controlled conditions. Verum and placebo devices were used, with the test subjects unaware which device they were using. Again both heart rate and lactate concentration were measured with the test subjects running on the treadmill, both with and without using Airnergy beforehand. It was possible to disregard coordination factors and resulting metabolic effects given that the treadmill compliance of the test subjects was very good based on their many years of experience using treadmills. The test subjects were made up of sports degree lecturers and physiotherapists. The same type of examination was also carried out using the cycle ergometer with similar results.

The lactate concentration scale extends to 4.5 mmol/l on the graph and the heart rate scale covers up to 210 beats per minute. The difference in lactate values is particularly significant. The group without Airnergy lies almost in the threshold range with lactate values of between 4 and 5, i.e. in a range where another level of energy is needed. The values and differences are summarised in graph 5.

Significance for sport

Endurance is the decisive factor In a great many sports, that is the ability of the body to withstand fatigue. It is this factor which limits performance. This is not the case for other types of sport. In jumping or throwing disciplines, for example, no stamina is needed during competition but it is needed in training. A high jumper or discus thrower naturally needs to train every day and that is where they rely on high levels of stamina.

This is the main effect of endurance training: you don’t get tired as quickly and can recover a lot faster. If Airnergy can make a contribution similar to the training effect this can only mean one thing for performance and leisure sport in general: everyone can benefit from Airnergy.